Kalisa has worked with notable celebrities, politicians, doctors, scientists, war veterans, the abused, the homeless, convicts, priests, psychologists, entrepreneurs, wall street, artists, healers, empaths, children, teens, families, groups, brides, grooms, pets, and people who simply want to rock out this life. She's all about life force.
"Kalisa changed my life.
I have been a client since 2015, receiving energy clearing on a regular basis and graduating most recently to The Expansion Program. It’s hard to articulate into words Kalisa’s impact because I truly will never fully comprehend the mystical work she does. I will do my best in concise, layman’s terms to relay how / what I’ve learned from Kalisa:
Through her encouragement and coaching, I’ve developed a daily meditation practice that works for me which has radically improved my anxiety and provided me a powerful tool to cope with stress.
Our energy healing work has resulted in expanded awareness, clarity of thought and better flow.
I’m 8 out of 10 Brain-spotting sessions in and with Kalisa’s encouragement have had the courage to face my greatest traumas head on and have had multiple breakthrough moments within our sessions clarifying the root of those issues. This level of clarity has allowed me to forgive myself and move on, providing tangible change.
Our partnership has evolved so that I truly see Kalisa as my spiritual mentor - I am so grateful to her and could not recommend her more."
-- Ava Donaldson, US Inclusion & Influencer Lead
"I saw the darkness leave and the light come in."
--Meyhem Lauren, Rapper.
"I feel fucking good. You see what I'm saying this is next..."
--Action Bronson, Rapper/Artist.
"Incredible. I feel like I went to the depths of the beginning of the universe. Absolutely. Kalisa's profound genius as a healer, guide, and teacher is born from her capacity to love. Her capacity to embody love. In Expansion Sessions Kalisa offers clients an exquisite container of divine maternal energy, Light, and compassion ripe for witnessing, excavating, and integrating the deepest of traumas, pains, and conditioned false beliefs of this lifetime and beyond.
Dedicated work with Kalisa has allowed an abundance of love, clarity, peace, grace, harmony, beauty, joy, play, and freedom to imbue all facets of my life. Practically speaking, symptoms of previous modern psychological diagnoses (cPTSD, MDD, OCD) fully dissolved, the full spectrum of Qi (mind, body, spirit) restored and increased with a renewed sense of curiosity, wonder, and vitality, and paramountly, a resolute trust with divine guidance and Source was established. Living beyond the shackles of scarcity and fear, I've reclaimed my sovereignty as a powerful creator having a human experience. Life on Earth now feels like a symphonic bounty of exploration, play, connection, and joyous beauty. The gratitude I feel for Kalisa, her teachings, and her refined process of transformation sincerely moves me to tears.
Kalisa is truly a wizard, alchemist, shadow worker, and wayshower of the highest divine order of Light. She guides but does not rescue. This path is yours alone to walk. If you feel the call, and so choose to answer, Kalisa will thoughtfully and intentionally guide you with pure integrity, love, grace, and dedication as you rise and allow the truth of your soul to be revealed. The choice is yours. I trust in your Rising. "
--Kelly F., Healer/Writer
"I get my chakras, cleaned, aligned and right. This is not my first rodeo I'm just introducing yall to Kalisa..."
--Angela Simmons, Public Figure/Entrepreneur
"Kalisa Augustine’s crystal bed was like a trip without the psychedelics. With her help I was induced into a meditative state that had my psyche feeling it had been vacuumed of unwanted debris. In the days after I had real clarity and focus. It was a great experience!"
— Parker Posey, Actress/Producer
"The Energy Book is a wonderful creative amalgamation of healing arts from archaic to state of the art, A must read for all healers and those seeking healing."
--Dr. David Grand, Developer of Brainspotting
"It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. More than pleasant, mostly. At times frightening. But always interesting."
— Sir Patrick Stewart, Actor
"You're like a spiritual scientist!"
-Scout Willis
"Thank you for my session yesterday! I felt amazing after it, such peace and calmness that everything will work out as it's meant to and to just trust the universe. I just need to continue working on myself and loving myself unconditionally. Today it felt like a weight had been lifted. I could finally focus on me... The more we work together the more aware of my energy I am and appreciate what a difference a session with you makes. Loving this transformation I am making with your help. xoxo"
-Happy Client
"Everytime I try to think or write about our session the other day I start crying tears of love and joy. LOL what's happening!!!"
--Happy Client
"Hard to put into words. Like I'm seeing the world with new eyes."
-Happy Client
"Hi Space Cowboy(girl), Do people ever call you that? It's a total reference to the song which has always been one of my favorites...and I've always wondered what a space cowboy was... till now ☺️. I'm ok. I didn't realize what I was taking on working with you."
-Happy & Tripped Out Client
"My friend texted me this morning telling me how she feels like she was lead to that workshop just to receive that meditation. She is blown away by what came up for her. Your meditations are fire mama. They really get you into a different vibrational frequency. I had to share that."
-Happy Client
"You should go see that healer again."
-Happy Client's Neurologist
"What a fucking trip. Everything feels overwhelming right now but in a good, re-birth type way--just like getting the kinks out of this whole earth life, human body thing. You, my dear, are an absolute goddess and I cannot thank you enough for sharing your gift and for this experience."
--Happy Client
"Thank you so much for your amazing work. Last night I slept well for the first time in several weeks, and I woke up feeling grounded and energized. I feel full of sunshine and light and ready for whatever comes next."
--Happy Client
"Kalisa is a deeply gifted, intuitive and generous healer. Since starting to work with Kalisa the positive changes in my body/ self /life are continuous and deeply felt. My first session with her constitutes a major life event and paradigm shift for me. Her work escorted me directly out of insomnia, depression, mania and into.... an opening into something lighter... into Life. I started seeing her in early 2015 without much context or expectation and I’ve been so surprised and moved by importance of the work she does- I will definitely continue to work with her and support her work for as long as I can. She has a particular sensitivity that is rare in NY and I recommend her work to everyone particularly those who are abstractly tormented, dealing with trauma, psychosomatic distress, mood disorders, insomnia and... everyone..."
— May Walsh, Dancer / Performance Artist
"Kalisa is a badass Jedi reweaving the cosmos with the vibration of love. I can feel the power she has cultivated. She has big support coming through her. She is able to zero in on what's most needed and cuts through bs with a twinkle in her eye. If you want a true healer's healer, Kalisa will take you where you need to go."
— P. Richardson
"I feel leaps and bounds of progress keep happening right after we meet! Like huge huge steps, emotionally, logistically...hard work but so necessary and starting to feel a little better slowly but it's happening."
— Happy Client
"Kalisa, I just want to say thank you again for your absolutely perfect guidance. It makes so much sense to me and feels so entirely right to take the approach we discussed. I don’t think I have worked with anyone that understands and articulates such complex issues with such clarity before, and I count myself very fortunate to have connected with you. I will let you know how it all plays out and I look forward to speaking again in the near future."
— S.C., Lawyer
"Success!!! Oh Kalisa! I feel as if something lifted. I don’t have the pain in my hip that I walked in with! A very positive experience, for sure. I’ve spoken about you to several friends. I did take a salt bath when I got home, then I slept like a baby."
— Happy Client
"Thank you SO much for yesterday. You are seriously the real deal. I feel so safe and empowered and clear and renewed every time I’m with you. Looking forward to my 21-day media/online fast (maybe longer, ha!) and to seeing you in December ❤️ "
— Happy Client
"I feel fortunate to be able to tap into energy forces since our first work together three years ago. I have learned a bit about "spiritual bypassing" and sometimes fallen into going through the motions without it being the real deal. My intention for Wednesday's session with you was to prepare (and reward) my spiritual body for the mutable progress ahead. I have put in hard work, keeping my head down, practicing focus and patience, and adopting my own practices for imaginative mediation, spiritual guidance, and a movement practice. After all of that work, I was feeling exhausted and stuck...right at the 11th hour of this progress. I remembered your advice from our first work together, to surrender. From that I realized that my physical body needed assistance, needed encouragement, a nudge... a cleansing. Our recent work together was exactly that! I so appreciate your no nonsense advice, I could really feel that you are rooting for me and weren't going to let me get in the way of myself! When we moved into the energetic portion of the session, I was reminded of how powerful your techniques are. I felt myself float away from my physical body and started to gently spin and swirl, feeling like I was cradled in the universe. I connected with the feeling of my north star, and at the height of this connection the spinning slowed and I felt redirected into my purpose. In the days since, I have remembered to bring my thoughts and actions down to my heart and out of my head. I do not feel the same weight of exhaustion from before, I feel light and clear in my speech, and not trapped by fear."
- Happy Client
"I just wanted to reach out to say what a transformative and special experience it was to meet you. I hold our conversations deep to my heart, and our sessions have supported me in making some powerful decisions about the future. ”
— Happy Client
“Thank you for yesterday. I truly haven't been functioning the last few days and finally today feel like I can go about my day and at the very least move one step forward. I'm sure the next few days will get even better as things process. I believe the headache is mostly gone so far. Will keep you posted and again thank you so much for truly bringing me back to life ❤️”
— Happy Client
“Pro tip: play Kalisa’s archangel energy guided meditation while soaking in a hot salt bath as hot as you can stand it. The weightlessness the water gave my body swirled my spirit in eddies of color and light for a truly uplifting experience. I was cleansed and rejuvenated in all dimensions.”
— Katharine K.
"A coworker in my office swears you got me pregnant. You're my other baby daddy ;)"
— Happy Client, and mom to be!
"I had a very profound experience with the Sacred Love meditation, I just knew deep in my bones. I saw this sacred love of mine as a rainbow orb blazing so bright and strong and we fused together... it was beautiful. I felt very peaceful and content. I have been working with the color meditation now, and it is helping me in a very unexpected way to overcome a deep traumatic experience I had this year of a relative dying and passing through me. I don't know you physically but I have been asking Spirit to guide me to a healer who can help me restore my energy field. So I am grateful for this :) I can feel the improvement in only 3 days of doing this meditation, specially calling the silver light of neutrality... just wow. Is deep. I am relocating to a new country now and my finances are a bit tight, but I would love to keep coming to your medicine because I feel it resonates with my soul. I would love to experience one of you energy healing sessions one day. I am called to the path of energy healing as well. Letting Spirit guide to the places, teachers and lessons. I have been working with the crystal kingdom for the last 4 years, in the art of jewelry making, experimenting different styles. My business is starting to take off now:) I add a pict of a few my pieces, would love you to have one someday. Thank you for your kindness and the beautiful work you are offering to this world."
— Barbara, Happy Client
"Thank you so much for a wonderful session, Kalisa! I came in at a very difficult moment when work felt overwhelming and I was worried about not being able to find the right direction. The session really helped me overcome the doubts and stress at the time, and shifted my focus in a way that has had a lot of positive effects in the past couple months. Both the intuitive counsel and the spectacular crystal bed were truly powerful and inspiring. I’m so grateful, and give my absolute highest recommendation to anyone looking for a different kind of light and insight into their lives. Thank you!!"
— A. U.
"Hi Kalisa, Wow, I cannot thank you enough for your amazing healing work yesterday. I finally feel myself again! It truly feels as if a giant cloud veil has been lifted, or as if I could only see blurred shapes and movement, but now everything is so crystal clear. My mind & soul really does feel aligned, as if it is gazing at a placid lake just soaking it all in —- ready and poised for what’s next. Riding the train this morning was a magical experience. Rather than feeling sucked dry by everyone around me (how I’ve been feeling lately), I was almost brought to tears by how beautiful everyone and their souls felt to me as I gazed around the train. Definitely feeling raw, but in a good way — I felt like I could find my light again, even sitting in a dingy subway car ;) Anyway, I really just want to thank you for your work from the bottom of my heart and I cannot express enough how grateful I am!"
— Kathryn F., Creative Recruiter
"It was wonderful to meet you. I really enjoyed my experience with you, so much so, that I want my entire family to come to you — and they will. As someone, who works with healers in various modalities, I have never had the experience of the energy that I felt in my third eye as I had during my session with you. It was truly mind-blowing and exhilarating, simultaneously. The grounding meditation was incredibly helpful and something I now incorporate as part of my own meditation. As Nikola Tesla said, “if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. This is the world you inhabit. I’m looking forward to coming back and going deeper."
— Delphine E., Investor, Soho
"I love Kalisa’s Crystal Bed Therapy Energy Healing sessions. It had been a while since I’d seen her and I was so grateful that I finally had the opportunity to have a session. I always feel lighter and clearer around the subject I went to see her for. Kalisa has a great perspective and healing that helps me let go of the things that no longer serve me to make space for the things I want to create. I always feel more expanded and open after my sessions that then allows me to hear that small still voice inside of me that is my inner wisdom. The mental and emotional noise subsidies and I am able to move forward on my path with more confidence, clarity and peace. I am so grateful to have discovered Kalisa’s services two years ago and look forward to more healing’s from her in the future."
— Leanne M. W., Artist
"Kalisa - I wanted to send you a note and thank you. I took the weekend to think about our session and I cannot begin to express my gratitude to you. Since my session, the most obvious change is that I’ve been sleeping so much better than I have been for some time now. I feel lighter and brighter! I don’t have a heaviness weighing me down - sadness has been my companion for sometime now and I didn’t realize how much it kept me down. I had not realized how closed off I’ve been. I was always that person who would just start a conversation with a stranger just because they caught my eye and I was fascinated by their aura. I did that this weekend on the train ride home and met the loveliest woman! I was quite surprised to realize just how shut off I was, how I was just going through the motions of everyday without feeling or taking in all that is around me. You helped me break those barriers and start to breathe a bit easier and start to really see my surroundings. I think that I’ve been so afraid of being hurt, that I completely shut down. Thank you so much for helping me with the first steps of “reentering” life. I’m looking forward to the next year, as I truly feel that I’m going to make progress, not just in everyday life, but through my spiritual journey. I really want to discover who I was, am and who I have the courage to be! When I met you, I fully understood why You and (client’s name) have such a special relationship - you touched my heart from the moment we hugged in greeting!I hope to see you again during my next trip to NY. I would love for you to be a part of this journey with me! Please keep in touch and I will do the same! Thank you again!"
— Penny K., Administrator
"I received a major healing and system upgrade today that was pure magic +inter-dimensional spiritual technology. What my friend Kalisa does is such refined, high level, intergalactic priestess work that it’s difficult to describe. I know that during the healing I became able to access gifts I’ve never known in this life and that I emerged feeling in complete alignment with myself and my work on this Earth, bringing through words and channeling source energy for my clients that felt effortless and divine, beyond me but through me. She told me the story of one of my lives that made me cry with intense grief because even though my brain didn’t remember the loss, my spirit did. She could explain why I shut some things down and helped me bring them back online. She is a healer for healers and everyone. Metaphysician, modern shaman, intuitive counselor, Texas heart of gold, divine mother, witch/priestess, with a little hint of a G. Go see her. Like tomorrow. WORTH IT. She does distance healing so you don’t have to be in NY to work with her!"
— Erin Telford, L.Ac.
"After my session with Kalisa there was a palpable lightness in my body and surrounding energy. I was carrying around a lot of other people’s energy unknowingly and she literally lightened my load. I am new to the crystal bed and found the whole experience, from talking one on one in the beginning, to floating to the sound of the singing bowls, immersive and fascinating. Kalisa told me some new things about myself and recommended some books to me (my favorite!!) I feel stronger and more confident about some directions I was questioning in my life. Excited to go back!!"
— Katie E.
"Dear Kalisa, So, now that I’ve had some time to observe myself, despite the anxiety I have about the election (omg), I do notice some things. Mainly that I am more at ease in my actual physical body. I haven’t been for a very long time. I feel lighter and a little more hopeful. Not desperately clinging to hope - it’s just there. I am sleeping a bit better. I feel more grounded. I wish I could have recorded all the things you said...I feel like I retained very little! Ha. Thank you again. I hope to see you again in January."
— Amy D.
"Hey Kalisa, I just wanted to reach out and say thank you again for our session a couple weeks ago. I wish I knew the words to describe how I feel. It’s been two weeks now and I feel more awake, more at peace, more social, and much less anxious. I find myself communicating and expressing my emotions much more clearly. Also, I have no idea if this has anything to do with my aura cleansing, but I have been approached by complete strangers a few times in the last week who struck up random and pleasant conversations. Tomorrow I am meeting for coffee with a woman who randomly started talking to me at a line at Whole Foods. It was just such a different occurrence to me and really stood out from daily NYC life. Maybe I’m just reading too much into every situation in daily life now? Haha I don’t know. Regardless, thank you. I have been meditating daily and been better with daily affirmations that everything is perfect."
— Elizabeth L.
"It’s been a week since my session with Kalisa and I am excited to report back on my experience. Immediately after my session I felt a sense of fun and joy that I carried with me for the rest of the evening. There was a clear shift in my gut by the next morning and over the following days I felt a range of emotions, all of which desperately needed to come out. Now I notice that the intentions we set in the session are settling in and it feels like my energy and focus have started to shift. Over the past few years I have tried various types of “healings” at the recommendation of friends such as Reiki, acupuncture, visiting a shaman, even a psychic life coach, all with lackluster results. I can say that after my positive experience with Kalisa during and after my session, I’ll now be recommending her to those friends!"
— Kaitlin Brigid, Public Relations
"Kalisa is a force to be reckoned with; having keen intuition and insight on all energetic planes. Immediately after sessions with her, I’ve felt lighter, with better energetic flow. It’s allowed me to tap into a deeper knowledge of who I am as a person, and to understand where certain blocks in my life are coming from, in order to release and move on. As I go down my spiritual path, I look forward to working with Kalisa as she is a wealth of knowledge, and can provide me with a service that is the real deal."
— Nicole Villani, Sales.
"Kalisa is a magical yet completely grounded and intelligent being. She can distill the most “out there” concepts in a way that makes sense and feels clear. I can tell when I’m feeling energetically off but I don’t always know why. Kalisa can easily focus into my field and diagnosis what is amiss. After our session last night I slept SO WELL-so deeply and easily. Which I very rarely do. Thank you thank thank you. I feel super peaceful and internally soft and sweet."
— Client, L.Ac.
"I walked in with a buzzing head and tight chest this morning, and left feeling a lot calmer. So grateful to be working with you and for your generosity, healing and listening ear. Thank you Kalisa!"
— Caris Reid, Artist
"Kalisa Augustine not only is a beautiful human being, caring, compassionate, and cool as hell; but her magic really works. The Crystal Bed Therapy was an amazing experience. The flow, the opportunities, and the clarity with which I see and experience my life, I believe was definitely, greatly facilitated by her work...Thank you Kalisa!"
— Jose Manuel, Composer/Producer
"I want to say thank you once again for your wonderful insight and advice. You sure know how to heal with words. I hope to learn this skill someday. Your story about the security guy at LGA made me tear up....I also want to tell you that I went in for my fourth and final interview last week for this job. They loved me even though I have no previous sales experience. The two other candidates they also hired for the position have sales and quota experience. They said it would’ve been a safer bet to not hire me, but they saw and felt something about me that they said they need on their team. The manager I spoke to on the phone just a short while ago, and whom I’ve never actually met in-person, said he knew I “was special and needed” on their team. I immediately thought of you and your email and almost teared up again. They have faith in me. You have faith in me. Now I have to have faith in myself. Thank you for your words. They gave me strength and the boost that I needed...Anyway, thank you, Kalisa, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!"
— Client w/ Burning Question
"After suffering a near fatal car accident in 2009, I turned to spirituality for healing, both mentally and physically. Though I have made great progress over the years, working with Kalisa for only a few months has truly transformed my life. Through her incredible intuition, she can uncover the root of any issue in your world - things you may or may not have even been aware of. During the Crystal Bed Healing Sessions I experienced emotional weight leave my body and such a degree of healing that I can only describe as life-changing. Since working with her, I have been on a higher vibration and attracting better things into my world. I have never felt stronger both emotionally and physically and I know it is because of the work Kalisa has blessed me with."
— Bess Koutroumanis, Entrepreneur
"Kalisa Augustine has a real gift. I have spent many years in deep metaphysical studies, as a meditation practitioner and teacher, and experimentation with various forms of mystical paths and healing. What I experienced through Kalisa was a very focused intention and understanding, with simple implementation. A session spent with her involves deep conversation, feedback about her intuitive insights, and then a healing session that involves light and vibration. I cannot begin to explain how all of this might work, but I do know that the proof was in the effects: better sleep than I have had in years, clarity with regards to both my thinking and my own intuition, and a sense of disconnection of previous unwanted thought and longing patterns. Alignment and attainment are a personal endeavor, a constant effort- but as a tool to reset and to regather one's self, to gain insight through a set of very clear eyes, I have found few healers who can do what Kalisa can truly evoke. There are many proverbial roads to Rome, few as succinct and accurate as the path that Kalisa shines her gorgeous light on."
— Alex Hayden, Interior Designer
"You’re major."
— Jack Ferver, Professor Bard College/Performance Artist
"Oh man, well it feels like...yeah, like an ON switch, all at once, for almost every aspect of my life. Art, work opportunities, personal relationships...I’m still working on not resisting it, staying open and letting it happen, without being overwhelmed! The urge to MAKE has been so strong. And suddenly, every conversation I have turns to or involves spirituality & energy, without me directing it that way at all. I feel like I’m in love with everything, and that even when something goes wrong, it’s just on the surface. Solutions just...appear. I guess the most pronounced difference is that...I realize and am aware that I am capable of loving so much more than I previously thought, and there is so much out there, all around & in other people. Until recently, my perception of that used to be pretty much the opposite."
— Kara Timmons, Graphic Designer
"I have only great things to say about Kalisa. I underwent three sessions with her over the course of 6 months. From our first session I was struck by her ability to help me get to the root of the intention I hoped to bring to the healing work that day. She has a presence that is kind, loving, and powerful. Her connection to the subtle, energetic body is stunning. Throughout our sessions she severed cords of attachment, cleared my chakras, helped me contact my guides, and repolarized my auric field. In each session she deepened the healing of my energy field and taught me practices to sustain the healing work from that session. For several weeks after each session I felt much lower levels of anxiety, fear, and shame, and I found that I was able to speak my truth with ease! I am thankful for my time with Kalisa for the deepening of my spirital world/practice, clarification of the types of relationships I need, and discovery of the special healing energy I have to offer the world. Thank you Kalisa, and I hope everyone can get the same benefits you so graciously offered me!"
— Phillip Landry, Behavior Health Counselor
"Kalisa is seriously amazing. Within the past year that I have worked with her, I have experienced significant positive changes within my life, more than I could have ever imagined. Over the year, we have been working on various topics, trying to put me in balance over all. Yet once we started working on specifics, everything that came to her during our sessions came to fruition. It has been an incredible and indescribable experience.The one word I can use is magical. Working with Kalisa has been a magical experience, and I am so lucky to have her in my life. Thank you, Kalisa!"
— Kendall Burns, United Nations Advisor